Our history


What is the difference between an average performing company, and an excellent one?

Of course the fact that the latter has great professionals on board …

We registered our company in 2005 and became immediately an active member of the largest domestic association of car manufacturers. Our primary commitment was supporting that segment through recruiting, and headhunting for engineers.

Already amidst a critical shortage of engineers we managed to achieve very good results within a very short period by conducting HR consulting in the most focused, and most targeted manner.

It meant that during the first 3 years of its operation Aarenson Consulting concentrated exclusively on hunting down engineers. A result of our efforts was that we were among the top three contractors to supply the kick-off team of the Hankook plant. Our targeted efforts earned us the chance of manning the R&D centre of Grundfos’ Tatabánya site. We were the first to use domestic social media (iwiw) for the purposes of indirect recruitment campaigns as a result of which we managed to build a database of just below

10,000 engineers.

We focus on our candidates and clients exactly the way we would expect it in an opposite situation.
We offer knowledge, relationships, and opportunity to ensure that you can hire in your team the employee you have been dreaming about.

Since 2008 the labour market has been undergoing major changes, and we had to adapt to the change. We built an IT and financial business line, and started to employ new recruiting channels, and operated more innovative tools ensuring people an even more central place in the process.

Thanks to the confidence of our clients in the Netherlands, Germany, and UK in 2009 we entered the international market.

In 2013 our operations manager Anikó Pethő was awarded the Példakép (‘Exemplar’) prize meaning she was selected as one of the 50 most successful young entrepreneurs. Thanks to our new relationships we managed to deliver many new, special, and unique assignments that year. We worked in almost all areas from the pharmaceutical industry to the media applying the ideal method: headhunting to find the suitable candidate. During this period there was an overweight of key positions including managers, and specialists. Our selection strategy prioritized the behavior, and emotion-based method over structured interviews.

In late 2013 Aarenson Consulting was among the first to offer complex HR services tailored specifically to the needs of startups. We participated in numerous startup competitions and events, and then

in the Spring of 2014 we staged the first Hungarian startup job fair.

For the first time the event attracted almost 1000 visitors, which made it possible to continue the effort, and channeled further support to the startup ecosystem.

By 2014 we saw our organizational change undertaken to improve our effectiveness finally bear fruit: we assigned experts to various projects who agreed to work on fixed-term contracts independently from the working hours of the office they were assigned to.

In 2016 we continued to adapt to changing needs. We celebrated our 10-year anniversary with a renewed image. We moved to markets outside Europe, and took on board new colleagues of outstanding professional standards.

Only one thing has remained unchanged during the past more than 10 years: we represent value because we share value.

Have confidence in us and in our joint successful ventures!

„A pénz mindaddig értéktelen, amíg meg nem osztjuk a pozitív hatásait mindazokkal, akiknek szívünkön viseljük a sorsát.”
Ask for a quote

Ask for a quote to find the ideal employee!

Our colleague will contact you without delay, answer your questions, and work out a personalised solution for your company.

Important note: requesting a quote does not imply any obligation for you.